Without soils there will be no food: game over – warns a new book, launched today, confirming the urgent need of the EU to uphold its green ambitions.

A book we've never needed more
Sixty Harvests Left: How to Reach a Nature-Friendly Future by Philip Lymbery, Compassion in World Farming’s Global CEO, comes at a crucial time of reform, when the EU is working to meet its green targets and while the window to adapt to the reality of the climate crisis is rapidly closing.
Philip Lymbery’s book confronts ‘Big Ag’, whose mega-farms, chemicals and animal cages are sweeping across the countryside around the world, and jeopardising the very air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat and the nature we treasure.
The book also shares hope, spotlighting the pioneers who are battling to bring landscapes back to life, in a world where wildlife, hens, pigs and people thrive by protecting the very thing that our civilisation is built on: soil.

Philip Lymbery
"At the heart of sustainable change lies a recognition that all life on our planet is interconnected, and that our future depends on treating it with compassion and respect," said Philip Lymbery Compassion in World Farming Global CEO. "In so doing, we can protect the world’s wildlife and soils as if our life depends on it – because it does."
"The life expectancy of farmland soils would change from just sixty harvests left to one of infinite sustainability, while regenerative, agroecological farming can help end cruelty to animals, save wildlife, stabilise the climate and safeguard the planet for future generations," he added. "And to me, that seems like a future worth having."

Jane Goodall
"In this beautifully written book Philip Lymbery describes how intensive agriculture harms the environment and inflicts suffering on sentient animals," commented Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace.
"But after visiting with and talking to those on the front line – scientists, farmers and food providers, he is able to show that there are sustainable alternatives. And that they are working," she added. "There is indeed hope for the future of our planet, and each one of us can play a part. I urge you to read ‘Sixty Harvests Left."

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