Published 20/10/2020
Today, 20 October 2020, the EU Parliament is voting on amendments to EU farm subsidies scheme, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which were fast-tracked through dirty political shenanigans, without proper debate. This disturbing and undemocratic development can potentially have disastrous consequences for animal welfare in Europe.

Late in the day yesterday, at the very last minute, the vote on some of the most important aspects of the file (amendments 1127-1141) were brought forward to today, Tuesday 20 October. This was done without due attention to the Parliamentary rules, given that voting lists and translations were finalised at the very last moment.
Olga Kikou, Head of Compassion in World Farming, said:
“What happened now can be easily written in the annals of history as an example of dirty shenanigans in EU politics. By changing the timing of the votes last-minute, some Members of the EU Parliament succeeded in pushing for the interests of industrial farming giants rather than responsible farmers, farmed animals and the environment. This scam is worthy of an episode of the ‘House of Cards’ TV series, not of the house of European democracy. The European Parliament has once again let its citizens down. Europeans want a sustainable and ethical food system. They want to break free from the grips of industrial agriculture. That is why we call on the EU Parliament to reject the proposal on the table.”